Imagining our Climate Futures

Thursday 29 October

1-4pm (GMT)


Cosmia Festival, the University of Huddersfield and Culture Declares Emergency invite you a gathering of artists, authors and creators who work in the speculative arts. 


Imagining our Climate Futures is for anyone working with the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction who want to come to together to discuss how to make a real difference. We believe that you are uniquely placed in society to use narrative, emotion and imagery to inspire the world to do things differently. We’ll be discussing the ways we can use positive and apocalyptic visions of other realities and models of alternative societies to inspire urgent action. We’ll also be talking about the responsibilities and challenges of working in this space, and how the ‘new normal’ can lead to new behaviours and choices in the industry and beyond. 


The session will be focused on practical, real world action we can take before it’s too late. The main content will take place between 1pm and 3.15pm (GMT) with 45 minutes of free discussion afterwards. You are welcome to attend for as long as you want.


The event is completely free, open to anyone over the age of 18. You can book your place below

If you want to know more about our environmental policies, you can read about them here

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